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This course is so designed that it covers every aspect of implementation. If you are working in large scale firms then you will get a picture of how projects are managed there. This will make you able to organize projects, control access to projects, organize and control resources and in effectively planning, monitoring and controlling of the project.


Western Herbs for Martial Artists

Healing with herbs has long been a tradition in the martial arts. Most martial artists are aware of this legacy; few are fortunate to study with teachers who understand and can teach the traditional Chinese formulas. The rest of us pick up what we can, whereever we can. This book is for the rest of us. Western Herbs for Martial Artists and Contact Athletes explores herbs that are readily available in the West. Sixty-four herbs common to Europe and North America are considered. Each herb is examined for its effectiveness, safety, and how to specifically use it to enhance martial arts and contact sports training. Readers will be able to choose an herb to meet a specific need, understand how to purchase it, prepare it, and use it safely. This book will be an asset for your library, don’t put it on the bottom shelf, because you will refer to it often.


A Social and Economic History of the Theatre to 300 BC

This is the second volume of A Social and Economic History of the Theatre to 300 BC and focuses exclusively on theatre culture in Attica (Rural Dionysia) and the rest of the Greek world. It presents and discusses in detail all the documentary and material evidence for theatre culture and dramatic production from the first two centuries of theatre history, namely the period c.500 to c.300 BC. The traditional assumption is laid to rest that theatre was an exclusively or primarily Athenian institution, with the inclusion of all sources of information for theatrical performances in twenty-two deme sites and over one hundred and twenty independent Greek (and some non-Greek) cities. All texts are translated and made accessible to non-specialists and specialists alike. The volume will be a fundamental work of reference for all classicists and theatre historians interested in ancient theatre and its wider historical contexts.


The Rise of Ecofascism

The world faces a climate crisis and an ascendant far right. Are these trends related? How does the far right think about the environment, and what openings does the coming crisis present for them?
This incisive new book traces the long history of far-right environmentalism and explores how it is adapting to the contemporary world. It argues that the extreme right, after years of denying the reality of climate change, are now showing serious signs of reversing their strategy. A new generation of far-right activists has realized that impending environmental catastrophe represents their best chance yet for a return to relevance. In reality, however, their noxious blend of conspiracy, hatred and violence is no solution at all: it is the ‘eco-socialism of fools’. Only a real commitment to climate justice can save us and stop the far right in its tracks.


Promised Lands

A major history of the British Empire’s early involvement in the Middle East

Napoleon’s invasion of Egypt in 1798 showed how vulnerable India was to attack by France and Russia. It forced the British Empire to try to secure the two routes that a European might use to reach the subcontinent―through Egypt and the Red Sea, and through Baghdad and the Persian Gulf. is a panoramic history of this vibrant and explosive age.

Charting the development of Britain’s political interest in the Middle East from the Napoleonic Wars to the Crimean War in the 1850s, Jonathan Parry examines the various strategies employed by British and Indian officials, describing how they sought influence with local Arabs, Mamluks, Kurds, Christians, and Jews. He tells a story of commercial and naval power―boosted by the arrival of steamships in the 1830s―and discusses how classical and biblical history fed into British visions of what these lands might become. The region was subject to the Ottoman Empire, yet the sultan’s grip on it appeared weak. Should Ottoman claims to sovereignty be recognised and exploited, or ignored and opposed? Could the Sultan’s government be made to support British objectives, or would it always favour France or Russia?

shows how what started as a geopolitical contest became a drama about diplomatic competition, religion, race, and the unforeseen consequences of history.


Super Size Me 2 Holy Chicken

Morgan Spurlock reignites his battle with the food industry – this time from behind the register – as he opens his own fast food restaurant.


Confidence Culture

In Confidence Culture, Shani Orgad and Rosalind Gill argue that imperatives directed at women to “love your body” and “believe in yourself” imply that psychological blocks rather than entrenched social injustices hold women back. Interrogating the prominence of confidence in contemporary discourse about body image, workplace, relationships, motherhood, and international development, Orgad and Gill draw on Foucault’s notion of technologies of self to demonstrate how “confidence culture” demands of women near-constant introspection and vigilance in the service of self-improvement. They argue that while confidence messaging may feel good, it does not address structural and systemic oppression. Rather, confidence culture suggests that women—along with people of color, the disabled, and other marginalized groups—are responsible for their own conditions. Rejecting confidence culture’s remaking of feminism along individualistic and neoliberal lines, Orgad and Gill explore alternative articulations of feminism that go beyond the confidence imperative.


Sindhi Tapestry

Here is an ethnic group, abruptly displaced by the Partition of India in 1947, who lost everything. Role-model refugees, they went on to achieve pinnacles of success in every walk of life, contributing significantly to the communities in which they settled, in countries around the world. Having fled a homeland that was quickly occupied by others, their history lapsed. Their language and culture dissipated, and their identity grew nebulous as they merged into adopted homelands, while tenuous connections to places they would never see sometimes lingered. The dispersal and the aftershocks resulted in a lack of political representation. Their hard work, enterprise and material success faced them with prejudice and resentment in their adopted hometowns in newly independent India. Unflattering caricatures arose, and these served to distort perceptions others had of them, creating a diffidence within them about themselves and the past that had shaped them. Firmly putting that past – including its language, poetry, philosophy, art and music – aside, they faced their challenges resolutely. As they established themselves, many even grew to extraordinary wealth – an unexpected outcome that only served to enhance the negative stereotypes.Their material success; the displacement and exclusion which resulted in loss of language and culture; the lack of connection to the past; the sense of alienation from living in communities embedded in their own ancestral homes; the prejudice faced by belonging to a mercantile community perceived as ruthless and tasteless; the prejudice faced from the taint with association with an enemy country;… all these created a flux in the Sindhi identity. Who, in truth, are these extraordinary people? Depleted yet powerful; contributing yet marginalized; confused yet confident; integrated hence barely visible – what can one make of them? The essays in this book offer clues. Written by people of different backgrounds and socio-economic status, in different professions, living in different countries, some are personal reflections while others are systematic academic studies. Analysis, nostalgia, and new geographies find place alongside humorous epistles, poetry and fiction that emerge from the diaspora. Along with glimpses of lost lifestyles, read here about the ingrained habits that helped the Sindhis take trauma in their stride. Read about the new languages and relationships that enriched them, nostalgic tributes to people and places who made them who they are; reconstituted icons from their past – in all, a wealth of detail about the evolving culture of a fascinating community and its present and historical realities.


Realism and the Climate Crisis

In the teeth of climate emergency, hope has to remain possible, because life insists on it. But hope also has to be realistic. And doesn’t realism about our plight point towards despair? Don’t the timid politicians, the failed summits and the locked-in consumerism all just mean that we have left things far too late to avoid catastrophe? There is a deeper realism of transformation which can keep life powerful within us. It comes at the price of accepting that our condition is tragic. That, in turn, calls for a harsher, more revolutionary approach to the demands of the emergency than most activists have yet been prepared to adopt. This is a book to think with, to argue and disagree with – and to hope with.


 Absolute 60s

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Top Hits of 1972

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Top Hits of 1971

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