All the latest celebrity news and feature stories to keep you up to date and entertained! The best photos of celeb comings and goings, revealing celebrity interviews, human interest and crime stories. When you know Who, you know more.
We’ve chosen a green start to summer: green in our food, green in our cosmetics, green supplements and green initiatives. We’re all set to make October a completely uplifting time filled with tips and treats to set you up for a memorable month. There are so many different types of superfoods with unusual, incredible and tantalizing flavours we’re ready to share. Dehydrating foods, making summer smoothies and creating sugar from apples is all in the mix. Right on trend is the alcohol-free rave that’s intent on getting high with uber healthy practices, dawning a new body with early morning yoga or chilling out and winding down with evening meditation and a Kombucha cocktail. On the healing front we’ve got Brandon Bays’ Journey and the healing power of horses as well as an effective practice known as EMDR. Our real challenge though is to feel the best you can and carry on the journey of ‘living life well’.
WellBeing is the World’s leading journal of natural health and living. A refreshingly intelligent reading experience, WellBeing offers inspiration for a way of life that is authentic and soulful. Reportage reviews the latest developments (or revived ancient practices) in natural living, and in-depth articles both challenge and inspire pragmatic action in the real-world balance of work, life, family and community. WellBeing reaches an increasingly sophisticated audience of citizens of the global village.
Uncut is the essential magazine about rock music, written by people who love that music as much as you do. Every month, it features the most comprehensive and trustworthy album reviews section in the world. There are in-depth interviews with the finest musicians of the past five decades, and with the exciting new artists who are following in their great tradition. Insightful, informative, passionate about extraordinary music – that’s Uncut.
Total Film magazine features news, reviews and articles on all current and future video, film, book, soundtrack and multimedia releases. Big reviews on all the latest Hollywood and British films as well as some from further afield. Interseting interviews as well with some big names from the big screen.
The Field is a monthly glossy dedicated to those brave souls who shoot, fish and hunt way beyond the call of duty. Since 1853, its staff has selflessly brought its readers the cream of rural life, be it pheasant shooting, dry-fly fishing or the distinct merits of Cheval Blanc. If you love fieldsports, guns that can fire a spud 130 yards and very foxy friends at hunt balls, The Field’s for you. If you don’t, well, heigh-ho.
Country Smallholding, Britain’s biggest selling smallholding magazine, is the definitive guide for those living – or wanting to live – the Good Life. Written by active smallholders we cover everything from keeping livestock to growing your own fruit and veg, from alpaca to eco living, and of course keeping chickens and other poultry with our FREE Poultry magazine.
This book will help you get to grips with the technology involved in creating your network. What equipment is needed, and what it does, and how you can get the best from every piece of the networking puzzle. Inside you’ll discover how best to setup a home network, how to improve it, and how to secure it. There are sections on protecting yourself online, how to avoid viruses and malware, how to encrypt your data, how to recover from a digital disaster, and how to become more Internet and social media aware and secure. There are in-depth guides on using a Virtual Private Network, advanced tips and tricks on Windows networking commands, and how to protect your data when out and about. If you want to improve your networking, and digital security knowledge, then this is the book for you.
that’s life! combines real-life stories with classic women’s weekly editorial and a sense of humour. Its unique mix of sassy, gritty and involving editorial talks to its readers in their own language.