H+: The Digital Series is a web series produced by Bryan Singer and created by John Cabrera and Cosimo De Tommaso. The series, which touches on the subject of transhumanism, premiered on August 8, 2012 until the season finale on January 16, 2013. A second season is currently in production.
The series is based on a future where one-third of the world’s population has an implanted computer, named H+, which connects the human mind to the Internet 24 hours a day. The implant was created by a company called Hplus Nano Teoranta, an Irish biotechnology company founded with the intent of improving the medical sector with technology. The story begins with the events of an apocalyptic future where technology has begun to spiral out of control… a future where much of the world’s population has embraced a stunning new device by Hplus Nano Teoranta that connects the human mind directly to the Internet.