Italian adolescent drama directed by legendary Italian director Bernardo Bertolucci. Introverted oddball Lorenzo (Jacopo Olmo Antinori) enjoys nothing more than his own company and using the excuse of a week-long skiing trip to hide out in his basement seems like the perfect opportunity to spend some time alone. But when his heroin-addicted half-sister Olivia (Tea Falco) arrives at his sacred refuge, his dreams of isolation are quickly shattered.
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Emma only knows how to add spice to her life in one way… by squirting it from a bottle of hot sauce. The rest of her life is cushy but bland: scrambled egg whites, decaffeinated coffee and her husband, Ray. She’s had enough and runs away from home. Her estranged son, Elliot, finds her lurking outside his restaurant with suitcase in hand. They try to start over again as mother and son in this odd-couple living situation. But she’s old-fashioned. He’s gay. Between them are years of awkward moments and unspoken tensions. Feeling lonely, Emma accidentally befriends the lady next door who’s so eccentric that Emma’s way over her head. Meanwhile, a passionate encounter with a man in a bar turns Elliot’s fear of commitment on its head. With dumplings, dessert, whiskey, and even Ecstasy in front of them, will they give into their indulgences? And can mother and son reconcile while struggling to discover their own appetites for life?
FHM (For Him Magazine) is the world’s leading magazine for men brand, published in over 20 languages in 26 editions across 40 countries. Funny, zany and fashionably sexy, FHM continues to set new standards in the men’s magazine market globally. It covers general interest topics spanning babes, pop culture, fashion and grooming, sports, music, sex and relationship, and humor.
Superman: The Movie Extended Edition
Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut
Superman III
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace
Superman Returns
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Two women who meet by chance make a pact to fix their unhappy lives: they will each do what the other one says. But one of them has a secret. She knows her husband is sleeping with the younger woman. Madelyn’s plan backfires when Lucy, an aspiring actress, orders her to play King Lear in a very amateur production, with Lucy playing the Fool. Madelyn’s life is transformed in unexpected ways as, like Lear, she struggles with matters of mortality and betrayal, loyalty and love.
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Hannah (Hall) is beginning to move on with her life after the death of her husband, an acclaimed musician and the subject of her latest biography, when she meets Andrew (Sudeikis), a brash writer from New York, who has a different take on her husband’s life – and death. The unlikely pair must collaborate to put together the famous singer’s story and begin to write the next chapter of their lives.
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