The director of The Untold Story, The First 7th Night, and the best installments of the Troublesome Night series, Herman Yau returns to the horror-thriller territory with his latest frightfest Nightmare. Starring Fiona Sit (The Bounty) and Huang Xuan (Driverless), the atmospheric psychological thriller centers on white-collar slave Hao Dong (Huang Xuan), who suffers from chronic insomnia under the heavy pressure of urban life. Every sleepless night, he sees a ghostly woman clad in white (Zhou Chuchu, Dream Home) dying a grisly death before his eyes before vanishing into thin air. On the verge of mental breakdown, Hao receives hypnotic treatment from his psychiatrist girlfriend Yifan (Fiona Sit), and shocking secrets of a horrifying murder case buried deep in his mind for 20 years begin to surface…