In a small village in Provence, on the first day of school, a young boy throws his bag into the river on a bet, and the retrieval of it leads to a thrilling adventure.
In a small village in Provence, on the first day of school, a young boy throws his bag into the river on a bet, and the retrieval of it leads to a thrilling adventure.
Two best bros must get off work in time to make it to their 10 year high school reunion and reconnect with the girls that got away.
The US-Mexican border in 1888. In Dry River, a desert town debilitated by drought, a promise of gold will bring hope, love, and death in equal measure.
In the throes of a quarter-life crisis, Megan panics when her boyfriend proposes, then, taking an opportunity to escape for a week, hides out in the home of her new friend, 16-year-old Annika, who lives with her world-weary single dad.
This movie it HOTTT with a lot of explicit graphic sex scenes… This movie is great in its use of sexuality in a full cinematic production. Despite its graphic sexual content, It’s not a shadowy dark night of the soul… This one is from the heart and one of a kind – Innovative romantic film with successfully integrated hardcore scenes.
A friend once said that every woman needs three men: One for adventure and fun, one for stimulating conversation and one for good sex. Anna was all three. Eventually she got tired of crying over Johan. She’d learned her lesson. She was going to master her emotions and NOT be a victim of love. From now on it was going to be all about fun. From now on, it would be living life to the hilt.
After escaping the USSR in the 1980’s, a Jewish family from Odessa struggles to remain on the right side of the law at their bathhouse in New York City.
Jessica moves back home after college and finds her single mother, Tracy, has a new boyfriend, Paul, moving in as well. While working at a restaurant owned by her mother’s best friend, Sandra, Jessica sees Paul fighting with another woman and immediately enlists the help Sandra and Hal who suspect something very strange. When Jessica discovers Paul is not who he seems, she sets out to prove Paul is the wrong Mr. Right.
After a drug dealer’s girlfriend is abducted by a jealous ex-boyfriend, he calls on his mentor, a NY boss for help. This move brings secrets to light, including the fact that his mother is a notorious DC king pen.
Robb Guinto and Micaela Raz heat up the screen as college schoolmates who venture into the world of cybersex to support their needs. They fulfill their fans’ sexual fantasy only to realized that they too, are falling for each other.
A woman living in her car must take a teen mother under her care in order to find the strength to face the future.
It follows 15-year old Quinn Perkins, who will be spending the summer working as an intern with her best friend Daniela. Mysterious events start to occur, and they assume that they are being haunted by local legend Everly Fallow.
A politician dreams of changing the world with an excellent campaign strategist behind. Dreaming of changing the world, Seo Chang-dae takes part in Kim Woon-beom’s political campaign. To resist the current dictatorial ruling party, Seo adopts a very aggressive propaganda campaign, and it makes Kim become the strongest candidate in the opposition party. When ambitious Seo believes that unjustified means is necessary for politics, Kim has a firm belief that it is not real politics. While their conflict deepens, the ruling party secretly contacts Seo to win the next presidential election.