Three Kingdoms is a epic and big-budgeted Chinese television series based on the events in the late Eastern Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms period. The plot is based on Luo Guanzhong’s classical novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the historical text Records of the Three Kingdoms, and other related stories. Directed by Gao Xixi, the series had a budget of over 180 million yuan and was released in China. The series was well received both domestically and internationally, earning an estimated 800 million yuan. The action takes place between 200 and 220 AC and deals with the historical events of the decline of the Han Dynasty, which has been ruling China for 400 years. The story revolves around the last emperor of Han, who was a hostage of one of the feudal lords (Minister Cao Cao). The imperial family had no army, no land and no real power.