In The Pembrokeshire Murders, the story centers around two unsolved double murders from the 1980s. In 2006, newly promoted Detective Superintendent Steve Wilkins decided to reopen both cases. Employing pioneering forensic methods, Wilkins and his team found microscopic DNA and fibres that potentially linked the murders to a string of burglaries committed in the 80s and 90s. The perpetrator of those robberies was nearing the end of his prison sentence, but if Steve Wilkins was right, he was also a serial killer. Could Steve and his team find enough forensic evidence to charge their suspect before he was released to potentially kill again?
Season 1, Episode 01
Newly returned to Pembrokeshire, Detective Superintendent Steve Wilkins looks into a brutal double murder which was never solved. Known locally as the Coastal Path murders, he is shocked to discover links to two other notorious unsolved crimes.
Season 1, Episode 02
With their forensics budget running out and still no forensic ‘golden nugget’, Detective Steve Wilkins and his team spend three days interviewing their prime suspect, John Cooper. With fresh leads to follow, Steve is re-energised, but being so absorbed with work comes at a price at home. When Cooper’s second parole hearing is successful, it’s a blow to both Steve’s team and Cooper’s estranged son Andrew. What fresh horrors might Cooper commit now that he’s free after 10 years in prison?
Season 1, Episode 03
Now John Cooper is free and his wife, Pat, dead, the stakes have never been higher for Detective Steve Wilkins and the Operation Ottawa team. Steve goes over everything in the files again and strikes gold with an old crime scene photo, which leads him to the elusive khaki shorts. Forensic testing on these shorts gives them the ‘golden nugget’ they’ve been searching for, and Cooper is arrested and charged. Steve and the team must now put their faith in barrister Gerard Elias to prosecute Cooper and get him convicted for his crimes.
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