Released through a partnership between Blumhouse Productions and Amazon Studios, this new horror anthology features eight films ranging from sci-fi horror to psychological terror, and showcases everything we’ve come to love about the Blumhouse brand: Distinctive visuals, a blend of new and experienced faces onscreen, and a blend of new and experienced voices behind the camera. Each film presents a distinctive vision and unique perspective on common themes centered around family and love as redemptive or destructive forces.
4 Responses to this entry.
Thanks, MaxD and team! 🙂
Hi Max,
I have really enjoyed these 4 episodes. The description for this indicates there are 8 episodes. I believe I saw two of the newer ones recently on Amazon (“Black as Night” and “The Manor”). Would it be possible for you to get the other 4 (or how many others have been released) to add this this.
Many thanks for looking into this.
Hello steveb97006, We will post it as soon as we find a release thank you very much
-Team Maxdugan
Thanks, Team Maxdugan!