VICE PRINCIPALS tells the story of a high school and the people who almost run it, the vice principals.
Season 01 , Episode 01 – “The Principal”
In the premiere of this comedy about a power struggle between two high-school administrators who are vying for the top job, Vice Principals Neal Gamby and Lee Russell jockey for position when Principal Welles retires.
Season 01 , Episode 02 – “A Trusty Steed”
A school evaluator’s arrival rattles Gamby and Russell, who cross boundaries with Dr. Brown.
Season 01 , Episode 03 – “The Field Trip”
Danny wants to impress Amanda on a field trip organized by history teacher Mr. Hayden.
Season 01 , Episode 04 – “Run for the Money”
A homecoming football game may be just the thing for Gamby and Russell to bring about Dr. Brown’s downfall.
Season 01 , Episode 05 – “Circles”
Gamby’s disciplinary tactics are rebuked by Dr. Brown; Russell clashes with an unruly neighbor.
Season 01 , Episode 06 – “The Foundation of Learning”
A shipment of missing books prompts Dr. Brown to reprimand a veteran teacher; Amanda and Gamby make a deal.
Season 01 , Episode 07 – “The Good Book”
Gamby bonds with Amanda during teacher workday; Russell’s patience is tested; Dr. Brown deals with the sudden appearance of her ex-husband, Dascious.
Season 01 , Episode 08 – “Gin”
Gamby and Russell stay the course with their plan. Meanwhile, Gamby wants to know the extent of Amanda’s relationship with Bill.
Season 01 , Episode 09 – “End of the Line”
The first season concludes with Gamby and Russell playing their endgame with Dr. Brown.
5 Responses to this entry.
Hey Max,
any chance to get episodes 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9 upped again. Get a message of:
This server has crashed but we are still working for this server.
Please request RE-UPLOAD for this file from File owner/Uploader, where did you see this file links.
Hello Jim, let me reupload, thank you very much
Thank you Max
Thank you very much Jim
Hey Max,
My WDTV Live device plays just about anything but the codecs used for these it refuses to play
I could watch from my computer no worries but was wondering if it have these in a different format / type?
Understand if no or too much hassle but doesn’t hurt to ask